The use of revealed preference in a fuzzy setting. Some preliminary results
E. E. Haven. Consortium McGill University
- Fuzzy Economic Review: Volume I, Number 2. November 1996
- DOI: 10.25102/fer.1996.02.03
The Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference (WARP) is an important axiom in microeconomic theory. This paper discusses the topic in a fuzzy setting. Using simple concepts of fuzzy mathematics, we show that although we violate WARP we can still be declared rational up to some degree.
This is a useful result. The paper discusses how we could properly define, within a fuzzy setting, a "Greatest set". The choice function is defined and equated to the nearest Maximal set or to the nearest Greatest set, both of which are "crisp" sets. A simple formulation is proposed, which may enable us to assert degrees of rationality even tough we violate WARP.