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Assessment of an event from individual opinions of a group of experts

A. J. Bignoli. Civil Engineer


Starting from the opinions X*i,j (i=1,...,n;j=1,...,m) of m experts about the influences of n facts or situations on an actual event E* this is assessed comparing it with a reference event Er due to the same n facts or situations Xri,j (i=1,...,n; j=1,...,m) qualified by the same experts.

X*i,j and Xri,j are fuzzy numbers taken from a preestablished list.

The opinions of the group of m experts X*i and Xri (i=1,...,n) are obtained using the "convex-sum" of fuzzy sets.

Then, E* (xi,...,xn) and Er (xi,...,xn) are expressed as n-dimensional fuzzy numbers obtained by cartesian pro-ducts of the Xi (i=1,...,n).

The assessment is made with the acceptability of considering E* as Er which is calculated with: a(E*; E sub r) = |E*ÇE sub r| / |E*|.

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