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On employment of fuzzy sets theory for solving the problem of providing for information security

D.S. Chereshkin. Institute of System Analysis of Informatizacion Problems (MOSCOW)

S.I. Travkin. Institute for Systems Analysis (MOSCOW)


Possibilities for employment of fuzzy sets theory apparatus for solving problems of providing for information security are considered. The initial points for information security in information systems are specified. The following sequence of description is put forward in order to provide for a clear description and information process and the problem of its security (general principles): elementary model of an object of protection (bank); a study of information system vulnerability (Dempster-Shafer approach); variants for approaching evaluation of effectiveness in a security system; possibilities for decision making and choosing strategies of behavior; choosing methods of active defense.

Both peculiarities of the object and of the process of providing for information security and the methods put forward in the report demonstrated, that they allow to obtain a possible answer to the set problem and that methods of fuzzy sets theory could be effectively employed in solving the set tasks.

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