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Interpretation patterns and markets

Dinko Dimitrov. Ruhr-University Bochum


This paper presents a method for defining a consistent market through the interpretation of different agents´ opinions. We suppose that every agent has his own opinion about the other agents being his possible competitors or not. These opinions are ex-ante defined and therefore (for a definition of the correct market) they must be inter-preted. We make the interpretation ba-sed on the degrees with which an agent trusts or does not trust the other agents, using operators on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. A market is defined as consistent when (1) the ex-ante opi-nions and (2) the interpreted (ex-post) opinions are close to each other (at least to some extent).

Keywords:Duopoly, Interpretation, Interpretation Pattern, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Opinion

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