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The forgotten effects model in a crm strategy

A.M. Gil Lafuente; C. Luis Bassa. Universidad de Barcelona


Caring and retaining the customers is now days a fundamental business strategy for the organizations, to confront the market pressures and the competitors’ innovations. Companies have done investments worth millions in customer service, market research, customized support and others. However, it still exists an important gap between the investment and the profit. In many cases recurrent claims are still present, and customer perception of services is not aligned with the business expectations about relationship management efforts. Faced with this apparent dissociation, it stands to reason that companies may be failing to take into account important aspects in their customer relationships, or may not be taking into account attributes that customers value when they want to be treated with a product or service.

The purpose of this study is to explore through the Forgotten Effects Model, and reveal hidden attributes that customers value about a product or service in respect of the business objectives.

The conclusion of the paper will show how some fundamental aspects of the dimensions of quality of service may be being overlooked.



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