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Rubén Chávez Rivera. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Mexico. E-mail: ruben.chavez@umich.mx

José M. Brotons. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Spain. E-mail: jm.brotons@umh.es

Martha B. Flores. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Mexico. E-mail: martha.flores@umich.mx,

Bayte Nares. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Mexico. E-mail:bayte.nares@umich.mx


Microenterprises with high electricity consumption in Mexico have a life expectancy of no more than seven years (INEGI) and are very vulnerable to changes in fiscal policies, high fixed costs and few financing opportunities. The study aims to understand the economic-environmental sustainability of these companies. A survey of 150 companies with high electricity consumption in Region III of Michoacán was carried out using fuzzy cognitive maps (MCD) with four variables: the availability of investing in photovoltaic (PV) cells for economic growth; public policy management; competitiveness associated with sustainability; and economic-environmental culture for regional development. The MCD model makes it possible to emulate the variables to establish new economic-environmental strategies in the companies, allowing them to extend their useful life and strengthen their competitiveness, in addition to promoting a culture of solidarity with the environment. The results obtained indicate that these companies have a positive impact on photovoltaic investment. The economic savings of more than 70% and a return on investment in photovoltaics of between seven and nine years stand out. Despite public policies, they are contrary to business growth and development.



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