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+34 977 759833sigef@urv.cat


Empirical comparison to predictive clustering between a bio-mimetic methodology and a non connectionist approach

Alain Cucchi, Marinette Thebault. Université de la Réunion

An empirical comparison is carried out on two real data sets between a bio-mimetic clusterwise algorithm, the Kohonen's Learning Vector Quantization, and a non-connectionist approach- to clusterwise regression, the fuzzy clustering approach Glimmix based on regression mixture model.

Heuristic significance test for economic modeling

E. Shnaider. Netanya Academic College

M. Schneider. Tel Aviv University

In this paper we describe a method to perform economic modeling. The method utilizes numerical economic variables as fuzzy sets. This way it can compare not only pairs of vectors, but also the behavior of one variable (vector) to a group of variables (vectors), similarly to the modeling performed with…

A fuzzy model for accounting analysis about operating exposure to currency changes

Lucia Maria Portela de Lima Rodrigues. Universidade do Minho

This paper presents the development of a model for accounting analysis on operating exposure to currency changes using fuzzy logic as its primary inferencing technique. Assessing risk is one area which fuzzy set theory may be used to good advantage by accountants. Operating exposure to currency changes is characterised by…

Structural external financing under uncertainty

M. Lladó, J.C. Ferrer, J. Rabaseda. Universitat de Girona

This study is an attempt to solve one of the fundamental problems posed on founding a company: to determine the amount of external financing needed. Based on the structure of the balance sheet, a situation of financial equilibrium that will be the starting point for developing a crisp model of…

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