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+34 977 759833sigef@urv.cat


Evaluation of business scenarios by means of composite indicators

Carlos Castillo, Tomás Lorenzana. Universidad de Almería

Assessing business scenarios with composite indicators allows the combination of both quantitative and qualitative performance measures (PM). This paper presents a methodology for constructing composite indicators by aggregating multiple PMs to diagnose business performance. Assuming that measures are expressed in heterogeneous units, these must be normalized in scales with a…

Bankruptcy prediction in transformational economy: discriminant and Fuzzy logic approaches

Andriy Matviychuk. Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University

The methodological approach on carrying out of complex analysis of enterprise's financial state with use of fuzzy logic methods has been developed and on this basis the economic and mathematical models of enterprise's bankruptcy diagnosis have been constructed. The input factors of these models are sets of independent variables and…

Algorithms applied in the sustainable management of human resources

A.M. Gil Lafuente, L. Barcellos Paula. University of Barcelona

In recent years, we have witnessed progressive changes in economic, social and environmental issues that affect businesses and their environment. At the same time, issues such as development, economic progress, sustainability and corporate responsibility are becoming increasingly important in economic and financial processes when making decisions. In a competitive and…

Solving p-median problems using bee foraging

J. Goddard, S. G. de-los-Cobos-Silva, M. A. Gutiérrez Andrade. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

In this paper the well-known p-median problem is tackled using a version of a heuristic bee algorithm. The proposed bee algorithm is explained and applied to eight different data sets. The results obtained are then compared to a classical, but effective, heuristic algorithm called the vertex substitution heuristic. The results…

Relationship between the allocated Fuzzy cost and dea efficiency

R. Shahverdi, F. Rezai Balf, P. Nasrollahian. Islamic Azad University

In this paper we propose an approach for compute performance of a decision making unit (DMU) in allocation fuzzy cost. If cost is not precisely defined, so we could consider it as fuzzy number, and if each DMU has other cost inputs then fuzzy cost must be combine with other…

Applying simulated annealing to design compact zones

E.A. Rincón García, J. Ramírez Rodríguez, P. Lara Velázquez. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco

M.Á Gutiérrez Andrade, S.G. de-los-Cobos-Silva. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa

Compactness is an important principle in redistricting process, and there are different measures to quantify this property in electoral zones. However, these measures are unsatisfactory, since they can be unable to favor the design of compact zones in enough complicated problems. In this paper, we propose that a compactness measure…

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