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Chi-squared-based vs. entropy-based mechanisms for building fuzzy discretizers, inducers and classifiers

Vasile Georgescu. University of Craiova


This paper proposes an automatic knowledge acquisition system that includes mechanisms for generating fuzzy partitions, inducing fuzzy decision trees and inferring fuzzy classifications. Both discretizer and inducer designing need a dissimilarity measure to choose the appropriate partitions and the most significant predictors among the candi-date ones. Although current approa-ches use the entropy as a measure, our study focuses on adapting a c2 distance in order to accommodate a probabilistic test with a fuzzy data description. Summarizing such data within fuzzy contingency tables provides formal support to apply the c2-test for indepen-dence. The advantage of using a c2-based measure instead of an entropy-based one is to control probabilistically the partitioning as well as the splitting mechanisms. However, handling accu-rately the test procedure in fuzzy context needs restricting the practicable covering schemata for allowing the interpretation of membership degree vectors in terms of probability distribu-tions. Finally, the fuzzy inducer can be employed to build fuzzy classifiers, namely to apply a fuzzy inference mechanism in order to classify new (unseen) cases. Experimental eviden-ces derived from comparative tests confirm that a c2-based inducer produces more accurate and reliable results than an entropy-based one.

Keywords: fuzzy decision tree inducers, splitting criteria, fuzzy discretizers and classifiers

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