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+34 977 759833sigef@urv.cat

Volume VII, Number 1. May 2002

Chi-squared-based vs. entropy-based mechanisms for building fuzzy discretizers, inducers and classifiers

Vasile Georgescu. University of Craiova

This paper proposes an automatic knowledge acquisition system that includes mechanisms for generating fuzzy partitions, inducing fuzzy decision trees and inferring fuzzy classifications. Both discretizer and inducer designing need a dissimilarity measure to choose the appropriate partitions and the most significant predictors among the candi-date ones. Although current approa-ches use…

Artificial intelligent based time series forecasting of stock prices using digital filters

A. Sfetsos. Imperial College

C. Siriopoulos. University of Macedonia

The aim of the paper is the analysis of the sequential characteristics of the Athens Stock Exchange general index (ASE) using the time series metho-dology based on artificial intelligent techniques. The applied models include the Feed Forward Neural Network trained with the efficient Levenberg - Marquardt optimization algorithm, the Adaptive…

The knowledge problem in social sciences: epistemic uncertainty

Pablo S. García, Rodolfo H. Pérez. Universidad de Buenos Aires

In this paper we deal with the problem of the knowledge under uncertain conditions. Since Plato definition in Teetetos, knowledge has been defined as a true belief and this has been thougt as a clear and distinct idea. So, if we have any kind of knowledge, it can´t be uncertain.…

Unpaid debt management in uncertainty

M. Casanovas Ramón, A. Fernández Pascual. Universitat de Barcelona

In any business sphere in which uncertainty is present use can be made of the theory of fuzzy sub-sets, expertons, algebra with intervals, etc. In this article we will be showing an application in uncertainty of Markov chains. As pointed out by Kaufmann and Gil Aluja, it is not strictly…

Valuation of efficiency under conditions of uncertainty and subjectivity

J. Reig Mullor, M.E. Sansalvador Selles, J.A. Trigueros Pina. University Miguel Hernández

With this paper we have intended to adapt DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), one of the most widespread techniques in measuring efficiency. This re-formulation will be carried out under fuzzy logic, and its mathematical development will be done by using the Theory of fuzzy sets and systems. This will allow us…

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