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+34 977 759833sigef@urv.cat


Neural and fuzzy models for economic forecasting. An econometric view and some practical experience

Manuel Landajo. Universidad de Oviedo

In this paper the new modelling techniques (neural networks, fuzzy systems, hybrid models) and the classical methods of econometrics and time series analysis are presented in an integrated view, as complementary rather competitive tools. The role of neural, fuzzy and hybrid systems in the general framework of economic modelling and…

Social learning by means of classifier systems and the provision of a public good

Juan D. Montoro-Pons, Francisco García-Sobrecases. Universidad de Valencia

The conventional approach on public goods provision stresses the inability of voluntary mechanisms to induce cooperation in a social group. However experiments and reality contrast with this sharp prediction. In this paper we develop a setup of social cooperation toward the provision of a public good, in which individuals exhibit…

Methodological and empirical issues in market segmentation: a comparison of the formal and the bio-mimetic methods

Jacques-Marie Aurifeille. University of la Réunion

Marie-Pierre Pinto. Université de Limoges

A bio-mimetic approach of multiple goal problem solving is proposed. The approach relies on the stochastic ope-rators (reproduction, selection) of the Genetic Algorithms (GA). The method is presented in the case of a three-goal management problem: market segmen-tation and compared empirically with the two-goal bio-mimetic algorithm (TYPREN) from which it…

Hedonic prices and colinearity: an empirical comparison of statistical and neuronal solutions

Pierre Desmet. Université Paris IX-Dauphine

The hedonic price method is well adapted to the calculation of relative prices and the estimation of the quality price relationship for a complex pro-duct. The main weakness lies in the use of multiple regression for the evaluation of the coefficients when there is very little data and the varia-bles…

Application of fuzzy sets theory methods for the evaluation of investment efficiency parameters

L. Dimova, D. Sevastiynov, P. Sevastiynov. Byelorussia University

The estimation of financial efficiency of the investments, as well as any fore-casting, is a rather uncertain problem. In this article the technique for the fuzzy interval evaluation of financial parameters, developed by the authors is presented. As the result the tech-nique proposed gives the fuzzy interval and weighted non-fuzzy…

Aplications of fuzzy sets in issues of economic decisions and analysis

Bogdan Andronic. "Petre Andrei" University

In the first part is given an overview on fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers, fuzzy logic. A detailed treatment of these notions is given in [1, 2, 3]. This synthetically presentation is useful in understanding and in developing the applications in economical problems. In the second part some new or extended…

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