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Volume XVII, Number 1. May 2012

Variable population MOPSO applied to medical visits

J. Lópeza, L. Lanzarini. National University of La Plata

A. Fernández Bariviera. Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Multi-objective optimization techniques are the ideal support tools for the decision-making process. They provide a set of optimal solutions for each of the significant aspects of the problem, thus summarizing the alternatives to be considered. Having a limited number of alternatives makes it easier for decision makers to perform their…

Savage axioms, Ellsberg’s paradox and fuzzy optimal decision-choice rationality

Kofi Kissi Dompere. Howard University

This essay is devoted to epistemics of Savage axioms and Ellsberg’s paradox in decision-choice actions in relation to fuzzy optimal decision-choice rationality in the space of uncertainties. The uncertainty space is partitioned into non-fuzzy stochastic sub-space and fuzzy-stochastic sub-space. The Savage axioms are argued to emerge from the former which…

Advantages of using self-organizing maps to analyse student evaluations of teaching

M. T. Sorrosal Forradellas, M. G. Barberà-Mariné, A. Fernández Bariviera, M. J. Garbajosa-Cabello. Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Surveys to evaluate teaching performance are one of the most widely used instruments for assessing teaching capabilities and, consequently, the quality of teaching. Their success is largely due to how they are designed and the way in which they process information. The aim of this paper is to simplify the…

Analysis of the inconsistency problem in the model for predicting "diseases" of firms

Hernan Pedro Vigier. Universidad Nacional del Sur and Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas

Antonio Terceño. Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The development of economic-financial diagnostic models, using fuzzy logic tools, has resulted in important applications. It is possible to identify a matrix of economic-financial knowledge (Matrix R), which simulates the analyst's behaviour evaluating the health of a firm. The proposed models, from a set of symptoms and causes, use a…

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