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Volume II, number 1. May 1997

A multicriteria method for sorting decision problems under uncertainty

Constantin Zopounidis, Michael Doumpos, Technical University of Crete

A sorting problem involves the assignment of a set of alternatives described over a set of attributes (criteria) in two or more predefined classes. This type of decision problems has been extensively studied by academic researchers mainly from the deterministic point of view. This paper presents a multicriteria method for…

Fuzzy measure for similarity of numerical vectors

E. Shnaider. Netanya Academic College

M. Schneider. Center for Technological Education Holon

A. Kandel. University of South Florida

In this paper we describe a method for Fuzzy Measure for Similarity of Numerical Vectors (FMSNV) in order to compare and measure behavior of numerical vectors based on fuzzy methodology. Each numerical vector is treated as a fuzzy set and the method described here is designed to find similarity in…

A fuzzy multiple attribute decision proposal for evaluating environmental plans

A. Morillas, B. Díaz, J. González. Universidad de Málaga

In this paper it is used a fuzzy multiple attribute analysis as a help instrument to the decision-making process in an environment of lack of precise information as it generally is the decision-making in public projects. Through an application to the selection of proceeding programs of the Environmental Plan of…

Neural networks searching equilibrium for a dynamic economic model

B. I. Niel, A. B. Verdiell. Universidad Nacional del Sur (ARGENTINA)

This implementation searches the convergence properties of deterministic recurrent neural networks like those involving business competition, demand analysis, market equilibrium and distribution systems. These periodic dynamic models have stability proper-ties visualised by means of computational experiments and theoretical justifications. This work consists of five basic sections, i.e., Section 1 gives…

Study of a supply chain from a buyer/seller point of view: planning and application of an indicators model fuzzy logic-based

G. Bellandi, R. Dulmin, V. Mininno. University of Pisa

The criticality of the issues linked to the study of the relations with suppliers needs a true, as more as possible, analysis of the supply chain, which considers both the points of view in each interface relation. This work suggests a model planned to measure the performances of a supply…

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