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Volume II, number 2. November 1997

Model for assembling products by means of clans

J. Gil Aluja. University of Barcelona

The problem of assembling products, raw materials and semi-finished products has several nuances according to the field in which the products are placed and the aim of the aggregation process. Assembling financial products in a homogeneous way, assembling investments, assembling products to be marketed: these are some current examples in…

The price-cost relation in a fuzzy decision problem

L.L. Lazzari, E.A.M. Machado, R.H. Pérez Universidad de Buenos Aires

In this paper, the authors further develop the proposal for the fuzzy decision theory which considers the state of events as a triangular (TFN) or trapezoidal (TFNr) fuzzy number, and show the incidence of the price-cost relation on the results obtained with the proposed algorithm.

Recognizing estable corporate groups: a fuzzy classification method

Alain Counturier, Conservatoire National des Arts et Mètiers (CNAM) Nantes

Bernard Fioleau, Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion

This article presents a method for fuzzy classification with overlap (ssim) and the results obtained by applying it to a sample of French companies. The ssim method allows stable company clusters to be recognised. The results are discussed and compared to those yielded by other fuzzy classification methods: the K-means…

Actuarial mathematics with fuzzy parameters. An application to collective pension plans

A. Betzuen, M. Jiménez, J. A. Rivas. Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Universitatea

Two types of uncertainty are found in the actuarial valuation operations. One of them is related to the random laws but the other is unrelated to them. In the latter one the opinion of the experts plays an essential role. We understand this uncertainty must be dealt with by means…

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