- The Kaufmann Prize aims to publicly honour those scientists who make outstanding contributions to the field of Management and Economy in a changing environment by developing and applying techniques for dealing with uncertainty.
- Only those scientists who have been working on projects which develop operative techniques of management or who have made important contributions to the area of economy and management of businesses in a context of uncertainty are eligible.
- The Kaufmann Gold Medal for Research into Uncertain Management and Economy aims to reward scientific contributions made over a prolonged period of time.
- Candidates may be entered for the Prize by any institution, organisation or public or private entity of importance in the academic field through departments, university institutes, scientific academies or similar. The Jury is empowered to propose for the prize only those candidates that fulfill the requirements laid down in these conditions of entry.
- All candidates must send their application in triplicate, including their curriculum vitae, their main scientific contributions and the reasons that one of the above mentioned organizations had for making the proposal.
- The Kaufmann Prize is a gold medal designed by the Catalan sculptor Josep M. Subirachs bearing the name of the winning researcher.
- The International Jury will be made up of the President of the Foundation for the Study of Fuzzy Management (FEGI) as well as a number of well-respected scientists in the field of uncertainty. Should the Jury consider it necessary, the prize may not be awarded, or awarded ex aequo to several researchers at once.
- There will be no right of appeal against the verdict, which will be announced during the ceremony in which the Kaufmann Prize for Research into Fuzzy Management and Economy will be awarded during the month of April 1997 in Reus.
- The closing date for entries is 15 March 1997 (date of the postmark). All applications should be sent by registered post or handed in personally at the headquarters of the Foundation for the Study of Fuzzy Management (FEGI). It should be clearly stated that they are entries for the Kaufmann Prize.
- It is assumed that all candidates have read and accepted these conditions of entry.