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Algorithms applied in the sustainable management of human resources

A.M. Gil Lafuente, L. Barcellos Paula. University of Barcelona


In recent years, we have witnessed progressive changes in economic, social and environmental issues that affect businesses and their environment. At the same time, issues such as development, economic progress, sustainability and corporate responsibility are becoming increasingly important in economic and financial processes when making decisions. In a competitive and volatile business environment, uncertainty is generated in the course of the sound management of human resources. Based on stakeholder theory, we analyse corporate sustainability by proposing the use of algorithms that support entrepreneurs in the sustainable management of human resources, focusing specifically on the adequacy of labour practices according to the future ISO 26000 standards. The objective is to obtain a level of consensus between the company and its stakeholders on this specific topic, using different methods of fuzzy logic, such as Hamming Distance, the Adequacy Ratio and OWA Operators. To conclude our study, we present the contributions of our research and the results of applying different algorithms.



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