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The attractiveness of countries for FDI. a Fuzzy approach

Marina Murata. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, RECent: c/o Department of Economics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Tommaso Pirotti. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


This paper presents a new method for measuring the attractiveness of countries for FDI. A ranking is built using a fuzzy expert system whereby the function producing the final evaluation is not necessarily linear and the weights of the variables, usually defined numerically, are replaced by linguistic rules. More precisely, weights derive from expert opinions and from econometric tests on the determinants of countries’ FDI. As a second step, the view-point of investors from two different investing economies, the UK and Italy, are taken into account. Country-specific factors, such as the geographic, cultural and institutional distances existing between the investing and the partner economies are included in the analysis. This shows how the base ranking changes with the investor’s perspective.



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