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+34 977 759833sigef@urv.cat


We would like to remind that for the final acceptance of the paper, it is necessary to register on website. It is important to note that at least half of authors of each paper must register and pay the conference fee.

Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to sigef@umh.es

All work must abide by the following specifications:


Only papers presented in English are accepted.

  • Text and tables should be presented in MICROSOFT-WORD for WINDOWS.
  • Equations should be presented in Equation Editor of Microsoft.


  • Paper: DIN A4 (29.7 cm high and 21 cm wide); Font: Arial 10 cpi; Margins: 3 cm left, right, upper and lower; Page numbering: central; First level title: Capital and bold (Arial 10 cpi); Second level title: Small capital and bold (Arial 10 cpi); Third level title: Lower case and bold (Arial 10 cpi).
  • Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. They must be referred to in the text.
  • The list of references should be presented at the end of the paper as follows (APA style):

Journal: Last name, F. M., & Last name, F. M. (Year published). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.

Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and control, 8 (3)0, 338-353.

Book: Last name, F. M., Last name, F. M., & Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of book. Publisher City: Publisher

Dubois, D., & Prade, H. (1980). Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Theory and Applications. London: Academic Press.

Book chapter: Last name, F. M., & Last name, F. M. (Year Published). Title of chapter. In F. M. Last name, & F. M. Last name (Eds.), Title of book/anthology (pp. Pages). Publisher City: Publisher

Zadeh, L.A. (2000). Outline of a computational theory of perceptions based on computing with words. In N.K. Sinha, & M. M. Gupta (Eds.), Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications (3-22). London: Academic Press.

  • The authors must be sent two files:

1. Title page should detail the title of the paper, author/s, corresponding author, email/s and full institutional affiliation/s (Department, Faculty, University, postal address) of each author.

2. Manuscript should contain the title (but no reference to the authors), abstract (between 100 and 180 words), up to 7 keywords, between 2 and 4 classification codes according to the Classification System for Journal Articles as used by the Journal of Economic Literature, and the full text of the paper.


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