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ISSN (print) 1136-0593 ยท ISSN (online) 2445-4192

Determination of the possible strategies for the reduction of the indebtedness of the company

A. M. Gil Lafuente. Universidad de Barcelona


An issue that is outlined with increasingly frequency is the modification of the financial structure of the companies. In a uncertainty context it is accurate to elaborate decision models based on the not numerical mathematics. In this sense and using the method of the rates it has been elaborated an instrument directed to list all the possible paths that can follow the company to reach the financial structure proposed. This method begins with the construction of a normal fuzzy matrix of transition.

From this fuzzy relationship we elaborate the model based on the P-Latin composition.

This method results very useful inasmuch as permits the utilization not only of not numerical data, but also of numerical data, both, elements that in the reality tend to appear indistinctly.

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