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ISSN (print) 1136-0593 · ISSN (online) 2445-4192

Volume XVI, Number 1. May 2011

The forgotten effects model in a crm strategy

A.M. Gil Lafuente; C. Luis Bassa. Universidad de Barcelona

Caring and retaining the customers is now days a fundamental business strategy for the organizations, to confront the market pressures and the competitors’ innovations. Companies have done investments worth millions in customer service, market research, customized support and others. However, it still exists an important gap between the investment and…

Valuation of industrial giga-investments: theory and practice

M. Collan. University of Turku

Industrial giga-investments are long term irreversible very large, hundred million-class, industrial real investments that have a long building time. These investments are important to the companies undertaking them and to the economy as a whole. Giga-investments can sometimes even steer their markets. Giga-investments are different from financial and small real…

Arithmetic operations on interactive Fuzzy numbers in financial analysis

B. Rebiasz. AGH University of Science and Technology

This article presents the generalization of Zadeh’s extension principle for arithmetic operations on interactive fuzzy variables. Typical kinds of interactivity between financial analyses parameters in industrial enterprises are discussed later. These interactions make use of nonlinear programming methods necessary to calculate the values of selected financial indices expressed by the…

Fuzzy impact assessment on the landscape: the kobold platform in the strait of messina case study

A. Bergamascoa. National Council of Research-IAMC

G. Giuntab. Horcynus Orca Foundation

D. Marinoc. Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria

S. Pandolfod. Sovrintendenza BBAACC Messina

G. Sindonie. Centro Studi Ecos-Med

This paper introduces a new semi-quantitative method to model a landscape assessment, by using a fuzzy analysis approach. The main aim of this research is to evaluate the landscape impact of the Kobold prototype in the Straits of Messina. The Kobold turbine, patented in 1998, is a prototype used to…

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