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ISSN (print) 1136-0593 · ISSN (online) 2445-4192


The organizational evaluation process: a fuzzy model

G. Zollo. Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"

A. Cannavacciuolo. Centro Ricerche FIAT

G. Capaldo, A. Ventre. Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli

A. Volpe. Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"

The paper presents a fuzzy model of the evaluation activity within a large organisation. The model was developed for the evaluation of competencies of professional workers. The model was developed in two phases. The aim of the first phase was to define the set of competencies and their explicative force…

Expertons and management decision-making. Criteria interdependence and implications valuation

A. Couturier. Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (NANTES)

B. Fioleau. Faculté des Sciencies Economiques et de Gestion (NANTES)

In this article we present the concept of expertons in a generalised context and propose two types of distribution (sigma and beta) that can be associated with an experton. Two applications illustrate the method described, relating to product preference analysis and company diagnosis respectively.

Determination of the possible strategies for the reduction of the indebtedness of the company

A. M. Gil Lafuente. Universidad de Barcelona

An issue that is outlined with increasingly frequency is the modification of the financial structure of the companies. In a uncertainty context it is accurate to elaborate decision models based on the not numerical mathematics. In this sense and using the method of the rates it has been elaborated an…

Accumulated capital for the retirement plans in fuzzy finance mathematics

C. Cassú, P. Planas, J.C. Ferrer, J. Bonet. Universitat de Girona

In this paper we obtain a fuzzy expression corresponding to the final value of an annuity of variable terms in fractional arithmetic progression. Considering the fuzzy interest rate with structure of triangular fuzzy number, we apply this expression to the calculation of the final value in pension funds in view…

Some philosophical aspects of fuzzy sets

W. Ostasiewicz. Institute of Economics Cybernetics

Paper is addressed the main philosophical problems which concern both fuzziness and randomness as well as uncertainty and vagueness. It is argued that uncertainty and vagueness are ontologically different empirical phenomena, which are studied within a different formal theories of probabilities and fuzzy subsets. A short historical development of various…

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