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ISSN (print) 1136-0593 · ISSN (online) 2445-4192

Fuzzy Prisoner’s Dilemma

A. Kandel. University of South Florida

Y-Q. Zhang. Georgia Southwestern State University

P.S.S. Borges. Federal University of Santa Catalina (BRAZIL)


In this paper, the global prisoner's dilemmas are introduced and extensively analyzed. This variation from the traditional game consists in allowing the players to combine, with variable emphasis, both selfish and philanthropic goals. Through analyzing the various kinds of precise and fuzzy global prisoner's dilemmas, we have found that some of them can effectively be solved by using either classical Game Theory or Theory of Moves (TOM), but the others that included fuzzy data and uncertain information cannot effectively be handled by them. Therefore, the basic principles of Theory of Fuzzy Moves (TFM) are developed based on TOM and the Game Theory. By transforming a local game to a more meaningful global game, TFM is able to globally make a player reach a better outcome which is not only as advantageous to its own side as possible, but also as disadvantageous to its opponent as possible in the selfish sense. Finally, some typical examples of fuzzy moves for global prisoner's dilemmas indicate that TFM is a useful methodology for dealing with dynamic and uncertain situations in fuzzy games.

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