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Clans, affinities and Moore's fuzzy pretopology

Jaime Gil Aluja. University of Barcelona


In this work that we present today, we dare to propose some new elements from which, we hope, it would appear approaches that could renovate those structures of the economic thought, based by the geometric idea, so ingrained in the circles of the orthodoxy that monopolizing the springs of power, assign privileges and deny kindness.

The concept of pretopology, excluded from management studies, has centered our interest in the last times. We consider that it is not possible to conceive, today, formal structures able to represent the Darwininan conception of the economic behavior without appealing, in one way or another, to this important part of combinatory mathematics.

In our attempts to look for suitable schemes for the treatment of the phenomenoly of economics and mana-gement, we have appealed, frequently, to the theory of clans and the Moore's closures, with results that we believe satisfactory. We would like to go further, establishing the connection between their axiomatic frameworks and, at the same time that to develop a true Moore's fuzzy pretopology.


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