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Volume VIII, Number 2. November 2003

Clans, affinities and Moore's fuzzy pretopology

Jaime Gil Aluja. University of Barcelona

In this work that we present today, we dare to propose some new elements from which, we hope, it would appear approaches that could renovate those structures of the economic thought, based by the geometric idea, so ingrained in the circles of the orthodoxy that monopolizing the springs of power,…

Fuzzy MCDM based on confidence analysis

Wei Wang, Kim-Leng Poh. National University of Singapore

In this paper, a fuzzy multicriteria decision model is proposed based on confidence analysis by linguistic approach. Two main characteristics of this method are: (1) Triangular fuzzy numbers are used to express the uncertainties with confidence levels. The ratings of alternatives and the weights of criteria are assessed in triangular…

The aggregation linguistic information for decision making based on expertons and 2-tuples

Enrique López González, Cristina Mendaña Cuervo. University of León

The aim of this paper is to analyze the suitability of representing linguistic information by means of 2-tuples and its comparison with the methodology of expertons for handling problems of decision-making in uncertainty environments. In these cases, the information is expressed in the form of expert opinions, in vague or…

Asset liability management in bank portfolios with fuzzy linear programming

J. de Andrés, J. Angla, X. Cámara, M.C. Molina, S. Sardà. University Rovira i Virgili

In this paper we develop a model of asset liability management for banking companies that maximises bank profits and minimises capital requirement in accordance with the Basel Accords. The model is based on fuzzy programming, which we use to solve a bi objective programme with crisp coefficients. Subsequently, we propose…

On the foundations of granular computing paradigm

Vasile Georgescu. University of Craiova

This paper investigates the foundations of granular computing, which is a paradigm oriented towards capturing and processing meaningful pieces of information, the so-called information granules. Each level of granulation induces a higher complexity in the semantic structure of the universe of discourse we have to deal with. Equipping the space…

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