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Volume XIII, Number 2. November 2008

Aggregation Functions With Non-Monotonic Measures

Marta Cardin, Silvio Giove. University of Venice

In this paper non-monotonic measures and their properties are considered and described. Subsequently we study discrete non-monotonic Choquet integral under the viewpoint of aggregation, and its axiomatic characterization. Moreover, we show that for non-monotonic measures the Shapley index can fail to represent the relative importance of a criterion, thus we…

The Generalized Adequacy Coefficient and its Application in Strategic Decision Making

J.M. Merigó, A.M. Gil Lafuente. University of Barcelona

The adequacy coefficient is a very useful technique that provides a more complete formulation than the Hamming distance in decision making problems. In this paper, we suggest a generalization by using generalized and quasi-arithmetic means. As a result, we will get the generalized ordered weighted averaging adequacy coefficient (GOWAAC) and…

Linguistic Model of Affinity Grouping to the Study of Poverty

Luisa L. Lazzari, Marí­a José Fernández. Universidad de Buenos Aires

The problem of getting an homo-geneous group of elements linked to various kinds of fuzzy relations is presented often in several decision areas. It is possible to solve it by applying the affinity concept that allows grouping items that meet certain characteristics in a degree. Poverty is a key issue…

Term Structure of Interest Rates Analysis in the Spanish Market

M.G. Barberà Mariné, M.J. Garbajosa Cabello, M.B. Guercio. Rovira i Virgili University

The Term Structure of Interest Rates (TSIR) makes it possible to analyze investors' expectations of future interest rates. This study aims to make a comparative analysis of the TSIR to determine whether investors modify their expectations in such a turbulent financial scenario as the present one. The TSIR was estimated,…

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