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Volume XVII, Number 2. November 2012

Soft computing in analytics: handling imprecision and uncertainty in strategic decisions

Christer Carlsson. Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, Abo Akademi University

Analytics has a similar agenda as management science and is working with the same industrial and business context to support managerial planning, problem solving and decision making. Analytics has a broader scope in terms of methods – besides models and algorithms it also works with statistical methods and advanced technology…

The moore's closure for analyzing relationships between agents in industrial clusters

Antoni Vidal-Suñé, Albert Fonts-Ribas. Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Industrial clusters try to exploit the effect of external economies and joint actions that come from the collaboration between their agents. But in order that these effects arise it is needed close cooperation partnerships between the agents in the industrial cluster, which could improve competitiveness. It’s obvious, therefore, that analyzing…

Fuzzy sets application to healthcare systems

Luisa L. Lazzari, Patricia I. Moulia. University of Buenos Aires

The fuzzy set concept was introduced by Lotfi A. Zadeh in 1965 to provide a tool to describe vague predicates or classes with imprecise boundaries and which enable an uncertainty nonadditive calculation, based on soft operators. Zadeh recognises that conventional quantitative techniques of systems analysis are intrinsically inappropriate to address…

Optimal use of cellphone frequencies with robust graph coloring

P. Lara-Velázquez, L. Gallardo-López, E.A. Rincón-García. Autónoma Metropolitana University

S.G. de-los-Cobos-Silva, M.Á. Gutiérrez-Andrade. Autónoma Metropolitan Iztapalapa University

The Robust Coloring Problem (RCP) is an NP-Hard problem for which had been developed many applications. In this work a Model based in Robust Coloring Problem is developed for the frequency assignment in cellphones that increases 25% the capacity installed nowadays. The model is tested with lifelike instances and is…

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