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+34 977 759833sigef@urv.cat


Granular vs. Point-wise metrics and statistics to accommodate machine learning algorithms in granular feature spaces

Vasile Georgescu. University of Craiova

In this paper we propose two distinct ways of augmenting the existing clustering environment so that granular data (patterns) can be accommodated. The two approaches deal with either holistic or atomistic representations of metrics and descriptors when mining outcomes of granule-valued random variables. Granular computing is a paradigm oriented towards…

Extending the roughness of the data via transitive closures of similarity indexes

F.X. Bertran, N. Clara, J.C. Ferrer. Girona University

One main assumption in the theory of rough sets applied to information tables is that the elements that exhibit the same information are indiscernible (similar) and form blocks that can be understood as elementary granules of knowledge about the universe. We propose a variant of this concept defining a measure…

The fuzzy approach to estimation of the index of population life quality

Gorkhmaz Imanov. Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Azerbaijan Republic

The alternative approach for an estimation of the index of life quality, based on fuzzy logic inferences is considered. The fuzzy model consisting of five blocks describing development of socio-economic system on separate spheres, such as social, ecological, natural-climatic, demographic is offe-red. On the basis of the received model and…

Immunization strategy in a fuzzy environment

A. Terceño Gómez, A. Fernández Bariviera. Rovira i Virgili University

J. M. Brotons Martí­nez. Miguel Hernández University

Within the framework of ALM, we understand that immunization is the main method to assure a certain yield in a future date departing from an initial portfolio. As in the crisp case, in a fuzzy environment, one of the goals is the determination of the duration of a bond and…

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