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Term Structure of Interest Rates Analysis in the Spanish Market

The Term Structure of Interest Rates (TSIR) makes it possible to analyze investors' expectations of future interest rates. This study aims to make a comparative analysis of the TSIR to determine whether investors modify their expectations in such a turbulent financial scenario as the present one. The TSIR was estimated,…

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  • Authors 1 M.G. Barberà Mariné, M.J. Garbajosa Cabello, M.B. Guercio. Rovira i Virgili University
  • review FER_V13_N2_2008_P4.pdf
  • DOI 10.25102/fer.2008.02.04

Linguistic Model of Affinity Grouping to the Study of Poverty

The problem of getting an homo-geneous group of elements linked to various kinds of fuzzy relations is presented often in several decision areas. It is possible to solve it by applying the affinity concept that allows grouping items that meet certain characteristics in a degree. Poverty is a key issue…

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  • Authors 1 Luisa L. Lazzari, Marí­a José Fernández. Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • review FER_V13_N2_2008_P3.pdf
  • DOI 10.25102/fer.2008.02.03

The Generalized Adequacy Coefficient and its Application in Strategic Decision Making

The adequacy coefficient is a very useful technique that provides a more complete formulation than the Hamming distance in decision making problems. In this paper, we suggest a generalization by using generalized and quasi-arithmetic means. As a result, we will get the generalized ordered weighted averaging adequacy coefficient (GOWAAC) and…

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  • Authors 1 J.M. Merigó, A.M. Gil Lafuente. University of Barcelona
  • review FER_V13_N2_2008_P2.pdf
  • DOI 10.25102/fer.2008.02.02

Aggregation Functions With Non-Monotonic Measures

In this paper non-monotonic measures and their properties are considered and described. Subsequently we study discrete non-monotonic Choquet integral under the viewpoint of aggregation, and its axiomatic characterization. Moreover, we show that for non-monotonic measures the Shapley index can fail to represent the relative importance of a criterion, thus we…

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  • Authors 1 Marta Cardin, Silvio Giove. University of Venice
  • review FER_V13_N2_2008_P1.pdf
  • DOI 10.25102/fer.2008.02.01

Using neural networks to assess the impact of institutional arrangements on economic outcomes: inflation and the separation of monetary policy from banking supervision

This paper uses a competitive neural network model to examine whether the separation of monetary policy and banking supervision has an impact on inflation. Our results show that countries with similar organizations of banking supervision and monetary policy indeed have similar levels of inflation. In addition we find that both…

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  • Authors 1 Raphaël Franck. Bar Ilan University
  • review FER_V13_N1_2008_P4.pdf
  • DOI 10.25102/fer.2008.01.04

Background factors facilitating economic growth using linear regression and soft regression

This article attempts to explore the background factors facilitating economic growth. In this article background factors mean some set of factors that by their nature are slow to build up, but their presence is necessary to attain higher levels of aggregate income. Their presence, however, in itself does not guarantee…

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  • Authors 1 Eli Shnaider, Nava Haruvy. Netanya Academic College
  • review FER_V13_N1_2008_P3.pdf
  • DOI 10.25102/fer.2008.01.03

The evaluation of the impact of the technology transfers from public laboratories to private firms: the case of the French Nuclear Authority (CEA)

Research laboratories are increasingly coming under pressure to evaluate the economic impact of their research. After the multiplication of technology discrimination devices bound to foster the innovative efforts in firms, public policy makers are seeking to evaluate the impact of these means on the economy. Existing evaluation indicators are poorly…

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  • Authors 1 Vincent Vigneron. Université Paris 1, Université d'Evry
  • Authors 2 Patrick Letremy. Université Paris 1
  • Authors 3 Serge Petit. Infineon Technologies AG
  • review FER_V13_N1_2008_P2.pdf
  • DOI 10.25102/fer.2008.01.02

An empirical assessment of the Optimum Currency Areas Theory: Turkey and the EMU Countries

This study aims to analyze Turkey and the EMU countries in the light of criteria suggested by the optimum currency areas (OCA) theory and the Maastricht criteria. To this end, we follow a novel approach with an application of fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering. The results show that the application of…

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  • Authors 1 I. Ozer, I. Ozkan. Hacettepe University
  • review FER_V13_N1_2008_P1.pdf
  • DOI 10.25102/fer.2008.01.01
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