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Volume IX, Number 2. November 2004

Fuzzy association rules for estimating consumer behaviour models and their application to explaining trust in internet shopping

J. Casillas, F.J. Martínez-López. University of Granada

F.J. Martínez. University of Huelva

Complex models have been traditionally and increasingly used by both marketing academics and practitioners to represent and understand consumer behaviour. Thus, we firstly pose that models of consumer behaviour firms use to make their decisions must be close to what a real Marketing Management Support System should offer, in order…

Using a fuzzy sets approach to select a portfolio of Greek government bonds

Michael Michalopoulos. Bank of Greece

Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, George D. Dounias. University of Aegean

Constantin Zopounidis. Technical University of Crete

In this paper we investigate the application of a methodology based on fuzzy-sets theory to the selection of an optimal portfolio of Greek government bonds. Investors' goals for the different bond market scenarios are formulated in fuzzy qualitative terms, while a model of fuzzy mathematical programming is used for the…

Modeling of economic uncertainty

Hans Schjær-Jacobsen. Danfoss Management Institute

Representation and modeling of economic uncertainty is addressed by different modeling methods, namely stochastic variables and probabilities (including Monte Carlo simulation), interval analysis, and fuzzy numbers, in particular triple and quadruple esti-mates. Focusing on discounted cash flow analysis numerical results are presented, comparisons are made between alternative modeling methods, and…

Uncertainty Theory Applied to Optimal Selection of Personnel in an Enterprise

Federico González Santoyo, Beatriz Flores Romero, Mauricio Chagolla Farías, Juan J. Flores. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

This paper presents an enriched me-thodology for the selection of personnel in private and public enterprises. The proposed methodology uses the con-cept of distance (Euclidean, Ham-ming's, Minkowski's, and Mahalanobis') as a basis element for decision taking, based on the theory of fuzzy logic. Through those mechanisms we got highly efficient…

Application of Probabilistic Fuzzy Set to Subjective Workload Assessment

R. Nait-Said. University of Batna

H. Loukia. University of Constantine

This article presents a new approach in workload assessment using fuzzy set theory. Operators' judgments are aggregated using Probabilistic Fuzzy Set (PFS), a multidimensional workload assessment instrument. Then, to deal with ordering of workload dimensions, information contained in this instrument is analysed using Fuzzy Dominance Relations (FDR) and non-numerical algorithms.…

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