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22th SIGEF Congress

22th SIGEF Congress

General Information

The University Miguel Hernández of Elche (UMH) is a Spanish public university with its central campus in Elche. Subjects in all areas of knowledge are taught, offering 26 degree courses, two double degree courses, 50 official masters and 13 doctorate programmes at its four campuses, situated in the north and south of the province of  Alicante, in Altea, Sant Joan d’Alacant, Elche and Orihuela.

The University Miguel Hernández has 7 faculties: Faculty of Fine Art, Faculty of Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of Elche, Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of Orihuela, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Faculty of Medicine. There also two schools: the Polytechnic School of Elche and the Polytechnic School of Orihuela. It has 5 Research Institutes: Institute – Centre for Operational Research, Institute of Bioengineering, Institute of Research, Development and Innovation in Healthcare Biotechnology, Institute of Neurosciences, and López Piñero Interuniversity Institute for historical and social studies. 27 Departments and 13 Research Centres.

The UMH aims to serve society through higher education, research and the transfer of knowledge. For this purpose, it provides quality services to meet the expectations and demands of society. It is committed to providing a comprehensive, innovative and ethical education for its students, stimulating the professional development and entrepreneurship of the members of the university community.  As part of its mission, the UMH aims to actively collaborate in social, economic, cultural, and environmental development.

The UMH was founded in 1997 as an innovative public institution that would be able to respond to the challenges and demands of 21st century higher education.  At that time, its primary goal was to become a university renowned for its excellence in teaching, research, and administration. This has continued to be its goal throughout its short   but intense existence.

The university is determined to continue incorporating innovation and excellence in order to continue to forge ahead and maintain a position among the best universities. According to quality indicators, the University Miguel Hernández is one of the best Spanish Universities within the benchmark areas of innovation and technological development, environmental sustainability, teaching, and industrial innovation and infrastructures.

The UMH’s vision is to be a quality university of excellence, and internationally prestigious in the area of education, research, transfer of knowledge, administration, and its contribution to economic and sociocultural development through Sustainable Development. This is a socially responsible university founded on ethical values, and principles of budget efficiency. Through its connection with the area,  it promotes healthy lifestyles, respect for diversity, and environmental conservation.

The UMH is founded on a comprehensive and consensual project, which acknowledges the diversity and differences between campuses, areas of knowledge and the people that make up the university community.


Department of Economic and Financial Studies

The Department of Economic and Financial Studies comprises six areas of knowledge: Marketing and Market research, Finance and Tax Law, Applied Economics, Financial Economics and Accounting, Foundations of Economic Analysis, and Business Organization. Its main mission is to train professionals in these areas, and to also contribute to training professionals from other fields, such as Engineering or Statistics. To be exact, in the Department of Economic and Financial Studies a wide variety of degrees courses are taught. Some of these are: Business Administration and Management, Labour relations and Human Resources, and Political Sciences and Public Administration. This department is also involved in teaching on other courses such as different engineering degrees in the areas of industry and telecommunications. Several Masters are also taught: Accredited University Master’s in  Auditing, Accredited University Master’s in accounting and Finance, Accredited University Master’s in Business Administration and Management, Executive Master’s in International Business (MIBU), Business Management and Administration for Trading Companies, Business Internationalization. In addition, this department is involved in other university masters and different professional specialization courses. To complete the educational options available, this department offers a Doctorate Program in Marketing and Strategy Management for Businesses. This includes thesis and adequate research management linked to the research and development lines and projects of the department. In addition to these teaching and research activities, the teachers and researchers from the Department maintain an extensive relationship with companies and institutions.  These links open up collaboration and development in research as well as work experience for our students.


June 19th 2023: Deadline for submissions of papers (full-text or extended abstract) 

Notification for Acceptance: Researcher will be informed within 10 days after the submission 

June 30th 2023: Final paper submission 

June 30th 2023: Early registration 

July 6th 2023: Late registration 

July 10-11th 2023: Congress




We would like to remind that for the final acceptance of the paper, it is necessary to register on website. It is important to note that at least half of authors of each paper must register and pay the conference fee.

Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to sigef@umh.es

All work must abide by the following specifications:


Only papers presented in English are accepted.

  • Text and tables should be presented in MICROSOFT-WORD for WINDOWS.
  • Equations should be presented in Equation Editor of Microsoft.


  • Paper: DIN A4 (29.7 cm high and 21 cm wide); Font: Arial 10 cpi; Margins: 3 cm left, right, upper and lower; Page numbering: central; First level title: Capital and bold (Arial 10 cpi); Second level title: Small capital and bold (Arial 10 cpi); Third level title: Lower case and bold (Arial 10 cpi).
  • Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. They must be referred to in the text.
  • The list of references should be presented at the end of the paper as follows (APA style):

Journal: Last name, F. M., & Last name, F. M. (Year published). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.

Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and control, 8 (3)0, 338-353.

Book: Last name, F. M., Last name, F. M., & Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of book. Publisher City: Publisher

Dubois, D., & Prade, H. (1980). Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Theory and Applications. London: Academic Press.

Book chapter: Last name, F. M., & Last name, F. M. (Year Published). Title of chapter. In F. M. Last name, & F. M. Last name (Eds.), Title of book/anthology (pp. Pages). Publisher City: Publisher

Zadeh, L.A. (2000). Outline of a computational theory of perceptions based on computing with words. In N.K. Sinha, & M. M. Gupta (Eds.), Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications (3-22). London: Academic Press.

  • The authors must be sent two files:

1. Title page should detail the title of the paper, author/s, corresponding author, email/s and full institutional affiliation/s (Department, Faculty, University, postal address) of each author.

2. Manuscript should contain the title (but no reference to the authors), abstract (between 100 and 180 words), up to 7 keywords, between 2 and 4 classification codes according to the Classification System for Journal Articles as used by the Journal of Economic Literature, and the full text of the paper.





Honorary Chair

Jaime Gil Aluja (Honorary President, SIGEF, Spain)  secretaria@racef.es


José Manuel Brotons (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) jm.brotons@umh.es


Glòria Barberá Mariné (University Rovira i Virgili, Spain) gloria.barbera@urv.cat

Manuel Enrique Sansalvador Sellés (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) manri@umh.es



Lorella Cannavacciuolo (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) cannavac@unina.it


Klender Cortez (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México) klender@yahoo.com


Sergio de los Cobos (University Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico) cobos@xanum.uam.mx


Kurt J. Engemann (LaPenta School of Business, Iona University, USA) kengemann@iona.edu


Elena Escrig Olmedo (Universistat Jaume I) eescrig@uji.es


Aurelio Fernández Bariviera (University Rovira i Virgili, Spain) aurelio.fernandez@urv.cat


Mª Ángeles Fernández Izquierdo (Universistat Jaume I) afernand@uji.es


Emma Fernández Loureiro (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) iemmafl@econ.uba.ar


Joan Carles Ferrer Comalat (University of Girona, Spain) joancarles.ferrer@udg.es


Vasile Georgescu (University of Craiova, Romania) v_geo@yahoo.com


Federico Gonzalez Santoyo (University Michoacana, Mexico) fsantoyo@umich.mx


Maria Belen Guercio (CONICET, Argentina) guerciomb@gmail.com


Kaoru Hirota (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) hirota@bit.edu.cn


Luca Iandoli (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) iandoli@unina.it


Janusz Kacprzyk (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) janusz.kacprzyk@ibspan.waw.pl


Lisana B. Martínez (CONICET, Argentina) lisanabelen.martinez@gmail.com


José M. Merigó Lindhal (University of Chile, Chile) jmerigo@fen.uchile.cl


Javier Montero (University Complutense of Madrid, Spain) monty@mat.ucm.es


Witold Pedrycz (University of Alberta, Canada) wpedrycz@ualberta.ca


Cristina Ponsiglione (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) ponsigli@unina.it


Martha Del Pilar Rodríguez García (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México) marthadelpilar2000@yahoo.com


Teresa Sorrosal Forradellas (University Rovira i Virgili, Spain) mariateresa.sorrosal@urv.cat

Antonio Terceño (University Rovira i Virgili, Spain) antonio.terceño@urv.cat


José Luis Verdegay Galdeano (University of Granada, Spain) verdegay@decsai.ugr.es


Hernán P. Vigier (University Provincial del Sudoeste, Argentine) hvigier@uns.edu.ar


Ronald R. Yager (Iona College, USA) yager@panix.com


Hans J. Zimmermann (Aachen Institute of Technology, Germany) zi@or.rwth-aachen.de

Giuseppe Zollo (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) giuzollo@unina.it





José Francisco Gonzalez Carbonell (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) jf.gonzalez@umh.es




Laura Fabregat Aibar (SIGEF, Spain) laura.fabregat@urv.cat




Xavier Càmara Turull (SIGEF, Spain) xavier.camara@urv.cat


Valeria S. Ferreira (SIGEF, Spain) valeriasoledad.ferreira@urv.cat


Jose Garbajosa Cabello (SIGEF, Spain) mariajose.garbajosa@urv.cat


José Manuel Brotons Martínez (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) jm.brotons@umh.es


Manuel E. Sansalvador Sellés (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) Manri@umh.es


Javier Reig Mullor (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) javier.reig@umh.es


José A. Cavero Rubio (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) Cavero@umh.es


Agustín Pérez Martín (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) agustin.perez@umh.es


José Maria Camara Zapata (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) jm.camara@umh.es

Victoria Ferrandez Serrano (University Miguel Hernández, Spain) v.ferrandez@umh.es




Hotels and Travel

Please note that July is very high season and that many International events are planned during that month. So please reserve your hotel as soon as possible.

Hotel Port Jardín Milenio:


C/ Curtidors, 17, 03203 Elx, Alicante  (+34 966 612 033)  jardinmilenio@porthotels.es



From Alicante-Elche Airport to Hotel Port Jardín Milenio

From Hotel Port Jardín Milenio to UMH


Hotel Huerto del Cura:


C/ Porta de la Morera, 14,  03203 Elx, Alicante (+34 966 610 011) huertodelcura@porthotels.es



From Alicante-Elche Airport to Hotel Huerto del Cura

From Hotel Huerto del Cura to UMH


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XXII SIGEF Congress - "Methods for the analysis of socioeconomic uncertainty in the post-covid era"

Universidad Miguel Hernández (Spain), 10-11th July 2023

The International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy (SIGEF) is pleased to announce the organization of the XXII Congress, to take place in Elche, Alicante Province (Spain). This Congress is organized by the Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH), through the Economic and Financial Studies, and SIGEF Economy (SIGEF).

SIGEF and the Congress offer a forum where academics, professionals and practitioners, working in the field of economics, finance, management and organization, can exchange ideas and experiences on the advancement of research, methods, techniques, application and projects based on fuzzy logic, neural systems, genetic algorithms, and systems, uncertainty theory, complexity theory and soft computing.

The main purpose of the Congress is to stimulate scientific exchanges, promote international cooperation between academic community and companies, and disseminate results of international research.

Contributions describing research results and application papers in the following areas are solicited:

·    Agent-based Modelling and Simulation

·    Applications of Pattern Recognition to Economy and Management

·    Approximate Reasoning

·    Business Intelligence

·    Chaos Theory and Applications in Economy

·    Competencies Management Methods and Practices

·    Complex Adaptive Systems

·    Complexity Science

·    Data Mining and Applications to Economic Problems

·    Decision Making Systems

·    Evolutionary Modelling

·    Fuzzy Expert Systems for Intrusion Detection

·    Fuzzy Games Theory and Applications

·    Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems in Management

·    Fuzzy Logic in Audit and Security Information

·    Fuzzy Multicriteria Methods & Applications

·       Knowledge Management Methods and Practices

·       Linguistic Information and Decision Making

·       Management Intelligent Systems

·       Management Methods based on Artificial Intelligence

·       Modeling of Economic Processes in Uncertainty

·       Modeling Aggregate Behaviour in Economics

·       Multi-agent systems

·       Network Economics

·       Neural Networks and GAs in Hybrid Systems for Economy and Management

·       Neuro–Fuzzy Models

·       Organizational Modelling

·       Small Firms’ Management Tools

·       Soft Computing in Management Control

·       Software Platforms for the Management of Innovation and Extended Enterprises

·       Technology Transfer from New to Old Economy

Organizers are working to arrange the publication of the best papers. Manuscripts will be selected for potential publication in special issues of several indexed journals.



The registration system for the SIGEF 2023 is now opened. Please, if you want to proceed with the payment, click here.

The conference fee is the following:

  SIGEF member No SIGEF member Accompanying person
Early registration (up to 30 June 2023) 250€ 350€ 100€
Late registration (up to 6 July 2023) 350€ 450€ 150€

It should be pointed out that at least half of authors of each paper must register and pay the conference fee. The submission final paper must accompany conference registration fee. At least one author of each paper must attend the conference if the submission is approved.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.




July 10th, 2023

10:00 h. Welcome

10:30 – 11:30 h. Session 1: Management

Chair: Laura Fabregat Aibar

Fuzzy Entropy: An application to a model of fuzzy business diagnosis

H. Vigier; V. Scherger; A.  Terceño

A decision tree approach for predicting insolvency of SMES: an empirical research in Spain

A. Navarro-Galera; J. Lara-Rubio; P. Novoa-Hernández; C.A. Cruz Corona 

Prioritization of the values and future perspectives of tourists among generations regarding water conservation in hotels in the northern region of Quintana Roo, through Fuzzy Logic

M.S. Maciel Alvarado; J.M.  Brotons Martínez; R. Chávez Rivera

Fuzzy model for estimating the worsening of pathologies due to delays in treatment

J.M. Brotons Martínez; M.E. Sansalvador Sellés; J.F. González Carbonell

11:30 h. Coffee break

12:00 – 13:00 h. Session 2: Clustering and classification

Chair: Vasile Georgescu

Unsupervised classification model using environmental and financial performance attributes: case applied in latin american countries

M.P. Rodriguez García; P. Lara Velázquez.

A fuzzy-cluster analysis of financial ratios on the basis of compositional data theory

X. Molas Colomer; S. Linares Mustarós; J.C. Ferrer Comalat

Integrating fuzzy cognitive maps with statistical reasoning in explainable artificial intelligence

Vesa A.  Niskanen

The uncertainty of public policies for sustainability in companies with high electricity consumption: region III of Michoacan, México

R. Chavez Rivera; J.M. Brotons Martínez; M.B. Flores Romero; B. Naces Lara

13:00 – 14:00 h. Session 3: Modelling Techniques.

Chair: Martha del Pilar Rodríguez García

Capturing the Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Energy Markets by Exploratory Data Analysis and Deep Learning-Based Prediction

M. Ioana; I. Andreea Gîfu; V. Georgescu

Topic Modelling in Tweets on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

I. A. Gîfu; M. Ioana; V. Georgescu

Enabling technologies for digitization in greenhouses. A case study

J.M. Cámara-Zapata; J. Ferrández

Simplifying lexicographic orders to rank fuzzy numbers

F. Salas-Molina; D. Pla-Santamaria; A. Garcia-Bernabeu; J. Reig-Mullor

14:00 h. Working lunch

18:30 h. Tour of the city (Tourist Info Elche – Plaça del Parc, 3)

21:00 h. Gala dinner (Els Capellans Restaurant – Huerto del Cura hotel)


July 11th, 2023

10:00 -11:00 h. Session 4: Corporate finance

Chair: Joan Carles Ferrer Comalat

Climate and Economic Policy Uncertainty in commodities: a wavelet approach

M. G. Barberá-Mariné; A. F Bariviera; L. Fabregat-Aibar; M.T Sorrosal-Forradellas

Fuzzy logic as an OECD threshold criterion for applying penalties to tax offenses: the case of Mexico

C. Guerrero Dávalos; M. H. Rodales Trujillo

Location of sustainable companies in certainty and uncertainty

F. González Santoyo; M. Flores Romero; R. Chávez Rivera

Assessing fear and greed of crypto investors’ sentiment on bitcoin mining energy consumption: a fuzzy regression analysis

K. A. Cortez Alejandro

11:00 h. Coffee break

11:30 – 12:30 h. Session 5: Finance

Chair: Hernán P. Vigier

Effect of economic policy uncertainty on income margin and market capitalization in Mexican banking: application of fuzzy logic method

J. A. Ruiz Valenciano; K. A. Cortez Alejandro

Bitcoin prediction analysis using random forest model and AI natural Lenguage

A. R Nava Solis; M. P. Rodriguez García

Fuzzy Jensen’s alpha analysis in Robo Advisors ESG Strategies

R. Caballero Fernández; A. F. Galindo Manrique; N. P. Rojas Vargas

A rating of investment funds with financial and extra-financial criteria using the Fuzzy TOPSIS methodology

M. G. Barberà Mariné; L. Fabregat-Aibar; M. T. Sorrosal-Forradellas; A. Terceño

13:00 h. SIGEF Assembly

14:00 h. Working lunch


You can also access the Congress Program by clicking here.



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